Dear Friends,
As I was rousing from my sleep this morning, the impact of the burning of Notre Dame struck me. As I saw the images of the flames trying to destroy the Cathedral, I felt the impact of the message for us. It was not coincidental that this atrocity happened during the most holy week for Christians, Easter, and a few days prior to the beginning of the Passover holiday. What does it mean? Although the fires raged through the Cathedral, a place of prayer, art and history loved by so many, the structure still stands. Through the out pouring of money from the French government and others, Notre Dame will be rebuilt. This is symbolic of Easter. Although Christ was tortured, suffered and died on a piece of wood, he could not be destroyed. His spirit rose again and continues to love and heal the world. And, the same is in reference to us. Although the fire of our demons may burn in our minds, bodies and souls, we will not be destroyed. With faith, we can all rebuild and stand tall for the world to see our magnificence As in Passover, when God passed over the homes of those who worshipped him saving their sons from death, he has done the same here. God is the church. Although it burned, it was passed over to live on. With faith in God, and the many prayers that went out to Paris, the church perservered. Like Notre Dame, we will persevere; individually and collectively. We cannot let the fires of pain and evil exist in our lives. We can put out those fires. As many people of all different religions and walks of life prayed for the Cathedral, we once again came together as ONE under God. God bless us all, Anna
What's Going On?
(please check annaraimondi.com, as we update often)
May 16th: The Hilton Garden Inn, Staten Island, NY

May 30th: Event at the Marriott Hotel in Philadelphia, Pa

The Dr. Oz Show:
I will up-date you as I know the air dates. There are xix shows that I am in that will be broadcast in the near future. As of now, I know two dates:
Friday, April, 12 and May 26.
Check your local listings for the station on which it will air in your area.

9/19/2019 - 9/22/2019: La Bella Vita,Women's Retreat in Todi, Italy.
Find your beautiful soul as you experience the soul of Italy.
Please go to annaraimondi.com for full details.
Space is limited.

Please "like" my page Anna L. Raimondi on Facebook. It is important that I have a social media presence for all the things I would like to do in 2016. Appointments can be booked from that page by clicking the scheduling button on the left side of the page. I am counting on you!!!
As a reminder, I have a cancellation page on Facebook called "Anna Raimondi - Cancellations." Please sign up for that page if you would like an appointment sooner than your scheduled reading.